
Even More Harry Potter Love

Christmas is just around the corner... wow.

Just wow.

All our Christmas decorations are up and Christmas movies and music are on 24/7! I was so ready for this. So SO ready for Christmas to come. The dark evenings are perfect for reading a good book (Maximum Ride anyone?) or for watching cute Disney Movies whilst sipping tea or hot chocolate.


I've recently been obsessed with Harry Potter images on Pinterest. Yeahhhh, it's awesome.
 Wanna see some favorites?


April 1st- their birthday!! Only three days before mine...  ♥ Ahh, I love this comic strip. Makes me laugh so hard!

Dude check out Sirius... cute!

Woah. Hold up. A Hogwarts robe SNUGGIE?! O.o
That is officially going on my Christmas list.

I'm pretty sure that's how I would feel. haha! I'd totally be in Ravenclaw... or so I like to imagine.


When we were watching this in the theaters, I was making a very confused face at this part and laughing in a very befuddled manner at Dumbledore's riddle-y-ness. He's so confusing. XD

and I saved my favorite for last...
 I love you Alan Rickman!!!!!!!!!

That's all for now. Be looking for a post on some recent artwork of mine. Until then--

Be Crazy Y'all and Give Alan Rickman a Hug!


mary ann said...

The last one is my favorite, too :)
also. I. Need. That. Snuggie.

Hayley said...

The elder wand one made me smile inside, even though I've never read the books. :D

Gracie said...

That is soo cool! I love the elder wand one. Also, Fred and George are pretty awesome. I like the one with all of them in cartoon form. I LOVE YOU ALAN RICKMAN!!!!
He's so cool. I've recently been obsessed with YouTube HP videos. The holding out for a hero one is my personal favorite. But accio loves pretty cool too.

Julia said...

Harry Potter for the win! I never even noticed the resemblance between Hermione and Belle... but now I totally see it!