
Confessions: This Little Crazy Person...

Confession time, ladies.

//I am a total sucker for science fiction. *sigh* I'm such a nerd.

//I didn't realize until today that the L on the Staples sign ( you know the store?) is actually supposed to look like a staple. When I realized this I almost smacked my forehead and yelled "DUH!" in the middle of a conversation with my mom.

//I wish so badly that I could eat chocolate all day. I've fantasized about it before, no joke. Maybe one day I'll take one whole day just to eat chocolate. Just like one day I'm gonna take a whole twenty-four hours to talk in a British accent. Or even better, I could do them both in one day. 
Wow. I like that idea.

//I started watching Christmas movies in October. *winces* yes, I know. I know! I'm such a bad girl. But it just can't be helped. Christmas is amazing. Amazing amazing amazing amazing aMAHzing.

//my favorite Christmas movie happens to be an extremely cheesy ABC family movie. But I mean, come on, it's about a girl who can go inside a magical snow-globe full of totally awesome-ness and finds a weird dude that's odd but so nice and has the perfect Christmas but then finds another guy in real life that's so super nice and then she can have ANOTHER perfect Christmas and then lives happily ever after.
Um. Awesome much?

//I want to marry Fred Weasley of Harry Potter so much. I love that guy. He's so cool I don't even know how to say it... that's why I cried like a baby in the 7th Harry Potter book. :(

//Today, when I was running on the treadmill, I was imagining in my head that I was Fred and George Weasley's best friend. I was jumping up and down and doing weird things, like sneaking into the kitchens in Hogwarts and going through the one-eyed witch passage way to sneak into Hogsmeade. And all of it on the treadmill. If someone had walked in on me, they would have thought I was CrAzY. Yes. I know.

How I love the twins... ♥

//I have horrible handwriting. Always have, always will. Ironic how I can draw so well yet write so bad. Now how did that happen?

//I drew a birthday present for my bestest friend ever... and I haven't even shown it to her yet. Her birthday was three days ago y'all! I'm mad at myself. I've told her all about it and I planned on giving it to her friday, but it didn't happen. I am a bad friend. *puts on cone of shame* 

//I feel like, if I don't win this giveaway, I'm going to buy this necklace (or one like it) anyway. I seriously have no words to give you. Just look at it. 

//I say awesome and amazing too much. I know you probably already noticed that... but it's still a confession. 

//I think this picture completely sums up my book obsessions:

//I just totally forgot about my tea and now it's freezing cold. :(

//I've been on the computer for somewhere around an hour or longer

//and I probably should get off. ;)

So, theres you go's friends. Confessions of moi, that little crazy person. :D

Be crazy and dream of Fred Weasley!


Hayley said...

What what!?! The L in Staples is suppose to BE a staple!? I just looked up a picture and you are totally right, girl. Geez. I should have figured that out sooner. *smacks self in face*

mary ann said...

fred... ♥

thanks for posting about my giveaway. i think i might have to buy one, myself :)

nil said...

I saw the giveaway on another site. OHMYGOD SO CUTE♥
