
November is Here and Here's What's in it...

It's November 3rd, and I'm sitting here wondering where the heck the year's gone. I've been reading posts about this and how fast it's gone by, so I think everyone can sympathize with me here when I say I wish it would slow down so that I could grasp the moments that keep slipping by.

And what moments are these? The small ones of course. The small moments when your little brother says something so funny your parents start laughing and they can't stop, or when you finally play your Bach piece on the piano without sounding like a dying duck, or when you take just ten minutes in the morning to enjoy nice, hot mint tea. It's the moments when you draw something that you're so proud of and can't wait to show your best friend, or when you're in the middle of a classic book that just keeps getting more and more enticing, or the nice cool showers after a long, sweaty run.

It's the small moments that I want to keep this month. I plan on taking them and holding them close. They're good weapons against the bad days and irritable moods. ;)

And now my Disney countdown has begun! I leave for Disney World in exactly nine days!

I've been talking and talking and talking about it all week, and I just. can't. wait! I know, I know... some people may think that Disney World is a place for kids, but it's not. It's a place of memories for me and the many other families out there. It's not about the rides as much as the memories-- and the SMELL. "Disney smell" as my family calls it is something so indescribable. I wish they could bottle it up and I could take some home. It reminds me of being a little girl when we went on the big family trips. Everybody on my mom's side would go to Disney World for a big, special trip and I just remember having so much fun. 

I'm about to explode just talking about it.

But in the meantime, I'm off to my church's high school fall retreat tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited! It'll be different for me though, because most of my friends are still in middle school and won't be coming obviously, but it's a good time to make new friends, right? And I still have my two friends Sophie and Kate. They rock, because they both decided to come just so that I wouldn't be lonely. I love them to death. <3

*me and my middle school buddies before the Taylor Swift concert this year! It was sooo fun. I'm the one with the cowgirl hat :D notice how I'm shorter than almost all of them. haha!*

Oh! And I also made a video like I said I would in the poll. It's not so much a "how to" video as it is a "this is me drawing" video. Unfortunately, I don't have a camera on my computer or anything so I couldn't take pictures of it actually being colored in, but I showed you how I drew in with a pencil. :) I usually take a picture of it once I'm done with my phone and then email it to myself, then I save it on the computer and upload it onto
Once I do that, I mess around with the exposure, and go to "effects". If you scroll all the way down you can find the "Pencil Sketch" setting. Click on that and then apply. Then scroll down a bit more and you'll find the "doodle" effect, and you can play around with the different colors and settings and stuff. It's actually really fun once you get the hang of it. I hope you enjoy the video :D

Also-- I'm thinking about doing one of these videos once or twice a month. What do you think?

*the color edit*

Isn't the song so cute? My sister's boyfriend showed it to her, and she showed it to me. It's my favorite now!
What's your favorite song?

Hugs and Pixie Dust--

1 comment:

Hayley said...

I know right!? Time needs to slow the heck down! I need to catch my breath. :(

I loved the video! I was drinking a cup of tea while watching it and it was so cute! I love how you made your hand go super fast so your pencil was zipping around the screen. :)

xoxo, hayley