
Every Princess Has Her Prince

A princess isn't searching when her prince comes by her way,
In perfect time, when hope seems lost, He's sent to save the day

Sleeping beauty wasn't searching for a prince to call her own,
But God sent one to rescue her as she slept there all alone.
... ...
Cinderella didn't notice she left her shoe behind,
But God removed it from her foot for the perfect prince to find.

We're each a princess in God's eyes, because we're daughters of the king,
So don't go searching on your own, for wedding bells to ring.

He'll send the perfect prince who will have eyes for you alone,
He'll be grounded on the word of God, and give your heart a home.

There's no need to go search high and low, and put your heart asunder,
And although you're anxious for him now, don't let your virtue wonder.

It's a silly notion that kissing frogs can bring them change of heart,
the man that's worthy of all you have is a prince right from the start.

Let your heart remain as pure as gold, while you wait for love to come,
and when God sends him riding in... you'll know he is the one.

Be careful not to awaken love before God's will is spoken,
You just might miss your perfect prince as your fragile heart beats broken.

There is a season for true love, God sets that time aside,
And once it's time to let it bloom, we'll become a princess bride. ♥

♥ -Tabbatha Leaton ♥
Be Crazy Y'all and Wait for Your Prince

Hello There Christmas. Didn't see you there!


We have six days until Christmas.


This past weekend we went to visit my grandparents house to have some Christmas fun. I got some really awesome presents!!!

*two very awesome sketchbooks (thank you Gram and Papa!)
*Charcoal and Graphite pencils to go with the sketchbooks (thank you Gram and Papa!)
*three different erasers that go to assorted pencils as mentioned above (thank you Gram and Papa!)
*An Owl ring from Charming Charlies! (Thank you Aunt Jan!)
*The rest of the Maximum Ride series!! (Thank you Gram and Papa!)
*An Alice in Wonderland teacup from Disney World!!!!!!! (THANK YOU Aunt Ashlie and Uncle Clark!)

Awesome right?! As soon as I opened my sketchbook stuff I started drawing. Heehee...

Obviously, these are the versions I edited on the computer. But they were originally sketches in my notebook. The first picture was in charcoal, and the lower one was a graphite. 
Can you tell I've been on a Hunger Games rave as of late?

In other news, I recently downloaded GIMP 2.6 onto my computer!!! It's a photoshop software for anyone who doesn't know. I edited the above pictures on it, and I'm so happy I took the time to download it! It's AMAZING and soooo much better than 
Trust me.
It's SO awesome.

I've been very busy on lately too. It's so much fun! If you wanna check out my page go >>here<< I'd like it if you stopped by! I've got lots of art uploaded and recently people have been starting to notice me, which is pretty cool. A couple people are watching my art now, and I've even made a few friends. It's right up my alley XD

So anyways, I hope y'all had a great weekend and if you're on break than YAY FOR YOU!!! If not, don't worry. It's almost here. XD

Be Crazy Y'all and Hug Some Art,

{p.s.} I'm currently working on a request sent in from a friend of mine. Anyone else want a drawing made for them? Just click "Have a Request?" on my sidebar to check it out! XD

Requests: Sea-horse + Cinderella

So if you've read my last post, you'll know that I am now taking in art requests. So if you want something drawn for you for free, just click the little button on my sidebar that says "Have a Request?" and follow the instructions. It'll be fun! XD

So far I've had two requests. They were both really fun to make and I really enjoyed doing it!



Pretty cool, right? XD This was requested from somebody on (check out the site, it's awesome!) and I happily obliged. A glowing sea-horse? yes, please.



Julia requested this one. Isn't it pwetty?? This is Cinderella right before midnight making her way back to her pumpkin carriage. <3 Can you see her shoe coming off? XD
At first I thought about making her look like in the movie, but then I decided that maybe I'd do my own version of her. She looks a little younger than in the movie, and she also doesn't have quite as much detail on her dress. But that's how I role. I'm mostly about the hair and face. 
I really like this one :) 

And that's it for now. I'm currently working on a request sent in from one of my bestest friends ever- Becca. :) So hopefully I'll be done with that one soon.

And one more thing before I leave. Since I finished this one, like, only five minutes ago, I'll go ahead and post it for you. It's just a quick doodle, but it's still pretty. It's my new profile pic on deviantART :)

Ahhh!!! I'm so jealous of her pockets. I think every dress should have pockets, don't you?

Be Crazy Y'all and Draw, Draw, Draw!

It's Not Me, It's the Pencil!

Sometimes I feel like I'm not the one who's drawing. 
It's my pencil.
He just scribbles away, acting as if I'm not there and decides what I'm drawing before I even know myself.

Does anyone else ever feel that way? Or am I absolutely crazy?
you may have no idea why this guy has wings... he's a character in a book me and my friends are writing. Needless to say the plot is somewhat like in Maximum Ride. If you've never read the books you need to. They're a-MAH-zing!
Anyways. This picture is of two of the main characters. The guy with the wings is (you're going to laugh) named Hawk. Well, actually that's his nickname. The girl's name is Wynn. 
They're so cute together <3
... I'm such a book nerd. ;)

 now this crazy picture is of the same book as from the picture above it, except it's from an earlier version of it. We've been writing the book since I was 11 I do believe... and we've started rewriting it about a thousand times. Because the first version was so terrible. But now we have a better plot and it's getting better. We just need to learn to write our chapters faster. lolz! This picture right here is actually a picture in the book that hangs on the main characters' bedroom wall. I thought it would be a sweet birthday gift for my friend Becca, who I'm writing the book with. :)

 and THIS is a random thumbs up because I was really bored one day...

This is a random ginger. He could be a weasley I suppose. Or my brother. Or my sister's boyfriend. I guess.  I dunno. But either way, he looks a bit depressed... yet again I was bored when  I drew this and felt like drawing some sort of facial expression that wasn't a smile like most of my pictures. Smiles get boring after a while if you know what I mean. In drawings that is. Smiles in real life are awesome.
Smiling is my favorite. *cheesy grin*

 Don't judge! I was bored! Again! haha I put this on my deviantART account online and labeled it as "Blahhhhhhhhhhhhh". It could very well be a concept of me at the dentist waving my arms around and groaning the whole time: "blahhhhh blahhhhhh blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
 Awwwww cute little Ginny. I seriously don't know how Harry can resist her in the first few books. ;) lolz!

 speaking of harry potter... XD

 Look! It's Gazzy from Maximum Ride! He's so cute :) I actually drew this one a looooong time ago. It was either this summer or last year. Can't remember.

This is Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games. She's pretty much amazing if I do say so myself. Oh, and in case you can't tell, she's looking up. And that isn't just a random line on her face. ;) I had a friend asking me about that... she couldn't tell what was up with her face and I was like "oh no! I love this new drawing! And now I'm so upset because nobody can tell what it is :( "
but it's all okay. I just have to tell people what the lines are on her face and usually they can figure it out themselves. ;)

 And last but not least.... Merry Christmas! The Christmas season is really catching up to me. I've spent the past few days baking cookies and wrapping gifts to prepare for next weekend at my Grandparents house. We always celebrate Christmas early with the family and then we go home to enjoy Christmas day by ourselves. :) I looooove Christmas!! <3

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. ;) 

Be Crazy Y'all and Let Your Pencil Draw You a Picture!

{p.s.} I'm now taking in art requests! Check out my sidebar where it says "Have a Request?" and get the details. Please please please contact me with drawing requests XD I love it when I have something to draw. ;) And don't worry. It's completely free, and something fun to do and look forward to. Have fun!

Even More Harry Potter Love

Christmas is just around the corner... wow.

Just wow.

All our Christmas decorations are up and Christmas movies and music are on 24/7! I was so ready for this. So SO ready for Christmas to come. The dark evenings are perfect for reading a good book (Maximum Ride anyone?) or for watching cute Disney Movies whilst sipping tea or hot chocolate.


I've recently been obsessed with Harry Potter images on Pinterest. Yeahhhh, it's awesome.
 Wanna see some favorites?


April 1st- their birthday!! Only three days before mine...  ♥ Ahh, I love this comic strip. Makes me laugh so hard!

Dude check out Sirius... cute!

Woah. Hold up. A Hogwarts robe SNUGGIE?! O.o
That is officially going on my Christmas list.

I'm pretty sure that's how I would feel. haha! I'd totally be in Ravenclaw... or so I like to imagine.


When we were watching this in the theaters, I was making a very confused face at this part and laughing in a very befuddled manner at Dumbledore's riddle-y-ness. He's so confusing. XD

and I saved my favorite for last...
 I love you Alan Rickman!!!!!!!!!

That's all for now. Be looking for a post on some recent artwork of mine. Until then--

Be Crazy Y'all and Give Alan Rickman a Hug!

Confessions: This Little Crazy Person...

Confession time, ladies.

//I am a total sucker for science fiction. *sigh* I'm such a nerd.

//I didn't realize until today that the L on the Staples sign ( you know the store?) is actually supposed to look like a staple. When I realized this I almost smacked my forehead and yelled "DUH!" in the middle of a conversation with my mom.

//I wish so badly that I could eat chocolate all day. I've fantasized about it before, no joke. Maybe one day I'll take one whole day just to eat chocolate. Just like one day I'm gonna take a whole twenty-four hours to talk in a British accent. Or even better, I could do them both in one day. 
Wow. I like that idea.

//I started watching Christmas movies in October. *winces* yes, I know. I know! I'm such a bad girl. But it just can't be helped. Christmas is amazing. Amazing amazing amazing amazing aMAHzing.

//my favorite Christmas movie happens to be an extremely cheesy ABC family movie. But I mean, come on, it's about a girl who can go inside a magical snow-globe full of totally awesome-ness and finds a weird dude that's odd but so nice and has the perfect Christmas but then finds another guy in real life that's so super nice and then she can have ANOTHER perfect Christmas and then lives happily ever after.
Um. Awesome much?

//I want to marry Fred Weasley of Harry Potter so much. I love that guy. He's so cool I don't even know how to say it... that's why I cried like a baby in the 7th Harry Potter book. :(

//Today, when I was running on the treadmill, I was imagining in my head that I was Fred and George Weasley's best friend. I was jumping up and down and doing weird things, like sneaking into the kitchens in Hogwarts and going through the one-eyed witch passage way to sneak into Hogsmeade. And all of it on the treadmill. If someone had walked in on me, they would have thought I was CrAzY. Yes. I know.

How I love the twins... ♥

//I have horrible handwriting. Always have, always will. Ironic how I can draw so well yet write so bad. Now how did that happen?

//I drew a birthday present for my bestest friend ever... and I haven't even shown it to her yet. Her birthday was three days ago y'all! I'm mad at myself. I've told her all about it and I planned on giving it to her friday, but it didn't happen. I am a bad friend. *puts on cone of shame* 

//I feel like, if I don't win this giveaway, I'm going to buy this necklace (or one like it) anyway. I seriously have no words to give you. Just look at it. 

//I say awesome and amazing too much. I know you probably already noticed that... but it's still a confession. 

//I think this picture completely sums up my book obsessions:

//I just totally forgot about my tea and now it's freezing cold. :(

//I've been on the computer for somewhere around an hour or longer

//and I probably should get off. ;)

So, theres you go's friends. Confessions of moi, that little crazy person. :D

Be crazy and dream of Fred Weasley!


Today, as everybody in America knows, is Thanksgiving day!

...I've seen about every blog I follow post a thanksgiving post about things they're thankful for...

so I feel compelled to do the same.

I'm thankful for...

my friends

my awesomely amazing family

my trip to Disney world

wonderful food

my mom who cooks the wonderful food

 Harry Potter (the books, as I've said before, are awesome. And I can't put them down. This is the third or fourth time I've reread them, but I just can't stop!)

 my best friends that I know well enough to squeeze just like that

my other best friend who lives too far away to squeeze like that, but who I give a mental hug every single day <3

my blog design. I love it. And I won't change it again... right. I won't!

buffalo dip sauce stuff with fritos... I plan on putting the recipe on a new post soon. It's just so amazing I MUST share it with y'all!

Hot tea on a cold day... while I watch Pretty Little Liars of course.

curly hair

me learning to curl my hair in an extremely pretty way yesterday

this picture ^ it cracks me up!

charlie brown. Can you tell? Isn't charlie brown the spirit of thanksgiving? ;)

school... but only because I wouldn't be able to read without it. haha!

but I'm also thankful for NO school this week. A good break is always nice.

chocolate. Chocolate anything is always amazing.


last but not least... 

that tomorrow will officially will be the beginning Christmas season! At least for me. I've been waiting for too long. :D

There's my list! Which is a very crucial thing on thanksgiving day. :)

Be Crazy y'all (And have a Happy thanksgiving!),

So I'm back...

...and I have, yet again, made a new design for my blog. I decided I would make another one just because my old one was way too fall-ish for the weather we've been getting. It's been feeling so much like Christmas lately.And also... well I renamed the blog, too, obviously. Pixie dust just wasn't working too well-- and I really like this one. Crazy High. Get it? Cuz I'm crazy high! :D lolz!
If you know me personally, then yes, I think you will like that title. 

The past few mornings I've been enjoying Christmas tea with my favorite book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Amazingest book ever!! I don't know what it is about them, but the Harry Potter books are, to quote a boy from my church, "the essence of Christmas itself". They are amazing. The end. (... I don't know why, but whenever I type "the end" 90% of the time I accidentally end up typing "then end"... I dunno I just thought it was weird that I do that every time. I just had to tell someone because it makes me laugh every time I do it. ;)
Okay, so as you should know from my last post, I went to Disney World!!!!!
Oh, sorry that screaming in your ear was me. It carries pretty far. ;)
haha, anyways, it was SO much fun. And I have WAAAAAYYY too many pictures. Way too many. Way WAY too many.
It's a lot.
(Half of which probably won't even ever be used... :/ )
Would you like to see some of them? because I really don't want them to go to waste.

Cinderella's castle!!
going inside... :D (sadly, it wasn't open very much. We only got to go through it once :( )

Splash mountain!!!

yes, this was the wait time for a LOT of the rides. Plus we had fast passes (most amazing things ever. Trust me, if you ever go to Disney, fast passes are the way to go.)

 me and my mom actually got two free fast passes. it was so cool! When we picked up the ones we were waiting in line for, the little machine spit out two extra for another ride. Disney is amazing, no?

And guess what? The Christmas decorations were up! They were so beautiful.


and guess what else?
They're building Beast's and Prince Eric's castles!!!! I'm sorry, that was one too many exclamation points... but that's how excited I am about it. It won't be ready for another year I think it was. Either 2012 or 2013... can't remember. But it'll be really awesome!

Beast's castle!

and the beginning of Prince Eric's castle.
I just can't wait to see them.

Well, that's about all the pics I'm going to put up right now. I'm ready to go grab a snack and read my book and maybe even watch an old episode of Pretty Little Liars.
Yup, sounds good to me.

November is Here and Here's What's in it...

It's November 3rd, and I'm sitting here wondering where the heck the year's gone. I've been reading posts about this and how fast it's gone by, so I think everyone can sympathize with me here when I say I wish it would slow down so that I could grasp the moments that keep slipping by.

And what moments are these? The small ones of course. The small moments when your little brother says something so funny your parents start laughing and they can't stop, or when you finally play your Bach piece on the piano without sounding like a dying duck, or when you take just ten minutes in the morning to enjoy nice, hot mint tea. It's the moments when you draw something that you're so proud of and can't wait to show your best friend, or when you're in the middle of a classic book that just keeps getting more and more enticing, or the nice cool showers after a long, sweaty run.

It's the small moments that I want to keep this month. I plan on taking them and holding them close. They're good weapons against the bad days and irritable moods. ;)

And now my Disney countdown has begun! I leave for Disney World in exactly nine days!

I've been talking and talking and talking about it all week, and I just. can't. wait! I know, I know... some people may think that Disney World is a place for kids, but it's not. It's a place of memories for me and the many other families out there. It's not about the rides as much as the memories-- and the SMELL. "Disney smell" as my family calls it is something so indescribable. I wish they could bottle it up and I could take some home. It reminds me of being a little girl when we went on the big family trips. Everybody on my mom's side would go to Disney World for a big, special trip and I just remember having so much fun. 

I'm about to explode just talking about it.

But in the meantime, I'm off to my church's high school fall retreat tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited! It'll be different for me though, because most of my friends are still in middle school and won't be coming obviously, but it's a good time to make new friends, right? And I still have my two friends Sophie and Kate. They rock, because they both decided to come just so that I wouldn't be lonely. I love them to death. <3

*me and my middle school buddies before the Taylor Swift concert this year! It was sooo fun. I'm the one with the cowgirl hat :D notice how I'm shorter than almost all of them. haha!*

Oh! And I also made a video like I said I would in the poll. It's not so much a "how to" video as it is a "this is me drawing" video. Unfortunately, I don't have a camera on my computer or anything so I couldn't take pictures of it actually being colored in, but I showed you how I drew in with a pencil. :) I usually take a picture of it once I'm done with my phone and then email it to myself, then I save it on the computer and upload it onto
Once I do that, I mess around with the exposure, and go to "effects". If you scroll all the way down you can find the "Pencil Sketch" setting. Click on that and then apply. Then scroll down a bit more and you'll find the "doodle" effect, and you can play around with the different colors and settings and stuff. It's actually really fun once you get the hang of it. I hope you enjoy the video :D

Also-- I'm thinking about doing one of these videos once or twice a month. What do you think?

*the color edit*

Isn't the song so cute? My sister's boyfriend showed it to her, and she showed it to me. It's my favorite now!
What's your favorite song?

Hugs and Pixie Dust--