
Body Proportions. Yeah, They Make Drawings Better.

 I've have more drawings to post!! :D 
Hunger Games is still a favorite... *cheesy grin*
The shadow figures on the right are of Cato and Clove. They're creepy stalkers who are after Katniss.
And then there's Foxface in the far left just waltzing around the place without anybody following her... if I was in the hunger games, that would be my strategy too.

 Downton Abbey!!!!!!
I'll have everybody know I was very upset when I learned we had to wait like a whole year for the second season. and I'm so glad it's back on now. I absolutely live for Sunday nights now. ;)
Matthew turned out a complete fail in this picture. But I Mary turned out okay.

 I finished this one just this morning! Since last night was friday I stayed up like super-uber late drawing this. It was a lot of fun. I love the fabric on the top of her dress. Looks kinda silk-y :D

 This is actually an old picture. I was recently going through some (because I can't possibly go through it all!) of my artwork that's scattered across my bedroom floor (Plus all the scrap paper overflowing my sketchbooks.) and I found this. I've fallen in love with it all over again. I'd totally forgotten about it!
It's hanging on my door now. :)

Lately I've been working on body proportions. The two pictures above are part of my study. They were actually pretty fun to do!

And that's really it for now. Hope you liked!

Be Crazy Y'all!

{p.s.} I colored in this drawing recently. I think I still like the line-art better, but here it is anyway :)

1 comment:

Gracie said...

My mom is obsessed with downton abbey. I would watch it too but we have to do school the next morning and our recording thingy isn't working. :( I like the red dress with the big ruffles. SO PRETTY!!!
