
So I'm back...

...and I have, yet again, made a new design for my blog. I decided I would make another one just because my old one was way too fall-ish for the weather we've been getting. It's been feeling so much like Christmas lately.And also... well I renamed the blog, too, obviously. Pixie dust just wasn't working too well-- and I really like this one. Crazy High. Get it? Cuz I'm crazy high! :D lolz!
If you know me personally, then yes, I think you will like that title. 

The past few mornings I've been enjoying Christmas tea with my favorite book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Amazingest book ever!! I don't know what it is about them, but the Harry Potter books are, to quote a boy from my church, "the essence of Christmas itself". They are amazing. The end. (... I don't know why, but whenever I type "the end" 90% of the time I accidentally end up typing "then end"... I dunno I just thought it was weird that I do that every time. I just had to tell someone because it makes me laugh every time I do it. ;)
Okay, so as you should know from my last post, I went to Disney World!!!!!
Oh, sorry that screaming in your ear was me. It carries pretty far. ;)
haha, anyways, it was SO much fun. And I have WAAAAAYYY too many pictures. Way too many. Way WAY too many.
It's a lot.
(Half of which probably won't even ever be used... :/ )
Would you like to see some of them? because I really don't want them to go to waste.

Cinderella's castle!!
going inside... :D (sadly, it wasn't open very much. We only got to go through it once :( )

Splash mountain!!!

yes, this was the wait time for a LOT of the rides. Plus we had fast passes (most amazing things ever. Trust me, if you ever go to Disney, fast passes are the way to go.)

 me and my mom actually got two free fast passes. it was so cool! When we picked up the ones we were waiting in line for, the little machine spit out two extra for another ride. Disney is amazing, no?

And guess what? The Christmas decorations were up! They were so beautiful.


and guess what else?
They're building Beast's and Prince Eric's castles!!!! I'm sorry, that was one too many exclamation points... but that's how excited I am about it. It won't be ready for another year I think it was. Either 2012 or 2013... can't remember. But it'll be really awesome!

Beast's castle!

and the beginning of Prince Eric's castle.
I just can't wait to see them.

Well, that's about all the pics I'm going to put up right now. I'm ready to go grab a snack and read my book and maybe even watch an old episode of Pretty Little Liars.
Yup, sounds good to me.

1 comment:

Gracie said...

Claire, how'd you get your blog to look so amazing. Even the blog sign was changed!!! If you did it, can you do mine. And if it was someone else, can you send me the web site. (my blog needs some work) p.s. Disney world sounds AMAZING!!!!! I can't believe their making two new castles!!!!!! It's so special that you were there when the Christmas decorations were up. :)
